Consultancy Experience

Since January 2016 I run my own consultancy company, specialized in studies on gender based violence, harmful traditional practices, female genital mutilation, forced and child marriage and honour related violence. Some of my recent clients include Girls Not Brides, European Institute for Gender Equality, the FEMM Committee of the European Parliament, the Belgian Development Cooperation in Guinée (ENABEL), World Health Organisation (Reproductive Health Research), Plan International Belgium and the West and Central Africa Regional Office of the United Nations Population Fund.

Academic experience

For almost 25 years, I worked at the International Centre for Reproductive Health, based at Ghent University in Belgium, first as a research fellow, later, after obtaining my PhD in 2008, as assistant professor in Global Reproductive Health Care with specific expertise in gender-related cultural practices. I coordinated the Focal Programme on Harmful Cultural Practices (FOHCUS), and was team leader for the Gender Based Violence Team for a while. 

From 2014 to 2018, I equally joined the Centre for Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality at the Free University in Brussels as a postdoctoral researcher and coordinator of the centre. 

Academic experience

For almost 25 years, I worked at the International Centre for Reproductive Health, based at Ghent University in Belgium, first as a research fellow, later, after obtaining my PhD in 2008, as assistant professor in Global Reproductive Health Care with specific expertise in Gender related cultural practices. I coordinated the Focal Programme on Harmful Cultural Practices (FOHCUS), and was team leader for the Gender Based Violence Team.

From 2014 to 2018, I equally joined the Centre for Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality at the Free University in Brussels as a postdoctoral researcher and coordinator of the centre.

Prevention of Female Genital Mutilation

NGO experience

I started my career as staff member at the Flemish Division of the National Women’s Council in 1990, and worked for shorter periods for the END Female Genital Mutilation European Campaign of Amnesty International, and the European Network for the Prevention of Female Genital Mutilation. I’m a board member of the organization Aniké vzw (, that works in Guinea, and was founding member and board member of La Palabre, active in Senegal.