
Over the years during my academic career, I have built extensive know-how and experience in writing research proposal, supervising and implementing multi-country research studies, and dissemination of research results (publications, conferences, workshops and seminars).  My main focus is on qualitative research (in-depth interviews, focus groups), policy and legal analysis, situation analysis, intersectional analysis, feasibility studies, literature reviews, and to a lesser extent quantitative research (prevalence studies). I’ve worked in a number of countries in the European Union as well as in Sub-Sahara Africa. Research themes I worked on include: gender based violence, female genital mutilation/cutting, child/early/forced marriage, cosmetic genital surgeries, hymenoplasty, gender equality and comprehensive sexuality education. 


 Capacity building, education and training

I can provide short courses, guest lectures, webinars and PhD guidance on gender-based violence, female genital mutilation/cutting and child/early/forced marriage.  Here are some of my activities in the field of capacity building, education and training: 

Senior advisor / Technical expert

I served as a senior advisor and expert for a number of international and national clients, including: European Commission, European Parliament, World Health Organisation, Belgian government, Ministry of Health of the Netherlands, END FGM European Campaign, Worldbank, the UN Division for the Advancement of Women, the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at Washington College of Law, Belgian Parliament, and many others. Below are some of the assignments accomplished in recent years:

  • During 2015 and 2016, I was one of the experts in the Guideline Development Group of the World Health Organisation, for the development of the “WHO Guidelines on Management of health complications of FGM”. health-complications-fgm/en/, World Health Organisation, Reproductive Health Research

  • I was an invited expert to the “UK Mutual Learning Gender Seminar” on Gender Equality, for which I prepared a discussion paper on FGM and other harmful practices in Belgium”, and attended the seminar, an assignment for the UK Home Office and the European Commission in 2016.

  • In 2016, I was a senior expert consultant for a number of studies for the FEMM Committee of the European Parliament, including the study “Forced marriage from a gender perspective” (2016), the “Study on violence against women and the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention” (2017), the “Study on Sexual and reproductive health rights and Conscientious objection” (2018).

  • In 2016 and 2017, I was a senior expert advisor for the study “Terminology and indicators for data collection: rape, femicide and interpersonal violence”, a study that was carried out for the European Institute for Gender Equality.

  • In 2017 and 2018, I was a member of the steering committee for the Prevalence study on female genital mutilation in the Netherlands, an assignment for the Dutch government.

  • In 2020, I was a senior advisor for the study “Estimation of girls at risk of female genital mutilation”, a study for the European Institute for Gender Equality.



Evaluations that I have done include the evaluation of action plans of Belgian NGOs in the area of international development and disability (done in 2006 and 2007 for the Belgian International Cooperation), the evaluation of registrations of female genital mutilation in Belgian hospitals (done in 2012 for the Belgian Ministry of Health), and the evaluation of the REPLACE II project on behavior change towards female genital mutilation in the EU-supporting communities to end FGM in the EU (done in 2015).

I’m also asked to evaluate research proposals for the European Research Council, the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium), Zorgnet Nederland and to review research papers submitted to a wide range of scientific journals. 

multisectoral training guide on female genital mutilation and cutting

Development of tools 

For the Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa (AWEPA), I developed the Guide on Female Genital Mutilation for Parliamentarians in 2012, and updated the same tool in 2016. 

For university students, and in collaboration with Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Spain, Università Roma 3 and Fondazione Celli Italy, Fundacion Wassu-Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona Spain, Insitutuo Universitario de Lisboa Portugal, I developed the Multisectorial, Academic Training Guide on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting”.